The Blog

This page is Danny Roberts Cover of the Vision Art Section in the November 2008 issue of Vision Magazine china

Feature Press

Vision Magazine!

Howdy there, my friends. Sorry for the few days sabbatical; been working a lot on a project. Can’t really talk about it due to my contact, but it should be really cool, and i should be able to share it with you soon! Yesterday, my copy of the lastest Vision Magazine arrived. I’m super excited; it’s a really great publication out of China. They did a feature on my work, and had me draw the header/cover page of the Art section. i hope your like it. Please check them out. Also, did an Interview with the lovely Marie Déhé of Dirty Glam Magazine for her blog Carnet de mode. Please check her blog out!

This page is Danny Roberts Cover of the Vision Art Section in the November 2008 issue of Vision Magazine chinaThis picture is a photo of the first and second page of Danny Roberts Interview with Vision Magazine china, out of there November 2008 issueThis is the third and forth page of the Danny Roberts Interview with Vision Magazine china, out of there November 2008 issue


You All are Incredible.

So i stumbled on to the site Polyvore…. and i was amazed at how creative all of you are with my drawings. I couldn’t believe how many collages had my drawings in them! It was SERIOUSLY such a huge blessing. I’m so Impressed, I went through and posted 5 of my favorites (they are in no particular order) I just wanted to dedicate this post to thank all of you for this! Thank you!

blackbird singing in the dead of nightvmy twin2eveningSad eyes..............!!!!!!!!!!brown in vogueShe's Got That SomethingHigh FashionSave draft....
Danny Roberts Painting of Sophie Ward

Drawing Process

I’m Starting to Figure This Out

Good morning my Friends! Well, i stayed up late last night painting. I’m still learning how to paint, but last night was the first time where i felt like i’m going to able to figure out how to paint. hahah. It’s true. i never could picture myself being able to paint, it’s such a foreign concept to me. i’ve been scared of using oils, just thought it wasn’t for me, but this has been such a fun experience! It’s always fun to try something new and let it stretch you. : )This is the third layer of paint… i think there will probably be 8 layers. Right now I’m letting the paint and glazes dry. i hope you all like how it is coming along.

The painting is part of a How to Series. Click the links below to see this piece come to life
The Under painting
Layer work (current post)
Finished painting

This is a Picture of Model Sophie Ward in front of Danny Roberts painting of her


The Lady Sophie Ophelia Frida Claire Ward

Hello my friends, Well, dropped off the magical Miss Ward in LA last night. I have to say, i don’t remember the last time i had so much fun as the last few days with Sophie. She truly is amazing. Do get familiar with her writing; i think she is going to be one of the greatest writers of our day. Also, if you could get the word out on her blog. We also met in regards to Paper Castle Press and the direction of the Company. I can say, there are some exciting things coming up. :) So, what do you all think of how Sophie’s portrait is coming? The oils are starting to dry and i can’t wait to lay some more layers down on it. I really really really hope i can capture her lovely demeanor and cheery outlook. I shall keep you all up to date on it. Happy Sunday :)

The painting is part of a How to Series. Click the links below to see this piece come to life
The Under painting (current post)
Layer work
Finished painting

Australian Model/ Writer Sophie Ward sitting and Posing for My Painting

Guest Writer Studio

Lady of The Paper Castle Visits Danny from Igor & Andre HQ

So I am at the maestro’s house! It’s incredible! Everyone should always be so lucky. Here I am bigger than life size on a wooden board being coated in oils. Magnificent. Danny’s studio is amazing: I have been having a sleep over while I pass through LA on route to Australia, watching CNN all day on a giant flat screen, getting kinda high off oil-paints, drinking milk and way too many Halloween chocolates. You know, I have never experienced the magic of a Baby Ruth before, but was drawn in by its reference to The Sandlot Kids – obviously. Legend in a chocolate!! The Pellegrino is flowing, inspiration is booming, Neko Case is swooning from giant speakers, paintings are looming over me from all four walls and dimensions. Did you know Danny can do 3D paintings? One painting is wearing real clothes. The apple I am holding in the picture below remains uneaten, I don’t know why, but I am eyeing it off, along with all the old LIFE magazines from the 60s with covers declaring the first man on the Moon, the Kennedy assassinations, Martin Luther King, even Batman, Superman and the Marquis de Sade wait patiently. I feel like Peach from Mario Kart in a multicolored universe of many dimensions: A bowl of cereal at her feet, coffee and compliments delivered daily by the beaming inhabitants of this magical land. If I have shared even a fraction of the greatness it is to be here, I hope you feel it: Danny’s paintings hold magic in them. And every morning I wake up having dreamt amongst them, having been spoken to by the beautiful women in ink that surround me. If I was a flat-lander in a 2D universe, I wouldn’t mind being one of Danny’s imaginary creations, just to live in this studio and watch him work all day. What a cool dude. Great life, great-ness.

The painting is part of a How to Series. Click the links below to see this piece come to life
Outline (current post)
The Under painting
Layer work
Finished painting

This is artist and Fashion Blogger Danny Roberts sketch on the elepant tunnel

Concept Sketch

In to the Elephant Cave

Hey everyone, How have you been? Life for me has been busy but exciting. Been working on some fun projects lately. Oh, and i get to pick up my good friend, Miss Sophie Ward, tonight at the airport. She’s going to be here for a few days. It’s going to be really fun. i’m sure there will be some pictures from our adventures. :) Hope you’re having a great day!

This is Artist Danny Roberts first oil painting

Drawing Process

A Little More

Well, there is definitely a learning curve with this oil painting thing… i sure hope i can fine tune it and pull it off..

This painting is Artist Danny Roberts first oil painting.

Drawing Process

Too Big?

hahah Well, say hello to my first attempt at oil painting… i hope it comes out. It’s going to be of a queen riding through a forest. She’s being chased by an unknown character, but she has an expression like she is in control…. i’ll keep you posted on it. It’s 5 ft by 4.4 ft on wood.

This is a sketch from Artist Danny Roberts

Concept Sketch

Out To Sea

Hey Yawl, Thought i would post this little sketch i did at work when i was bored… hahah.. Hope you like. :) …. Oh yea. i bought a bunch of oil paint equipment… Never done it before, going to try to teach myself. i’ll keep you posted.