Feature Press
The Orange County Register
Happy Saturday!
So a few weeks ago, I was featured in the Orange County Register on the cover of their Fashion Section. I tried scanning it, to no avail, so I decided to wait till I got a pdf of the article. It was a really cool experience to be featured in my hometown. I don’t get much local press, so I was blown away by such a big and amazing feature. I’m excited to share it. Thank you Joanne Clay for the article :)

Feature Press
In Vogue Girl Korea!
Hi, friends! I have some very exciting news! I’m in Vogue Girl Korea! Aw, so fun! I’m delighted to be featured along with my friends Julia Frakes, Jane Keltner De Valle of Teen Vogue, and Tommy Ton, as well as Leith Clark of the wonderful Lula Magazine, Anne-Catherine Frey, and Prabal Gurung. What an honor!The issue was featuring vacations for summer. I sent a picture of me drawing in my friend Alice‘s parents’ house on the north shore of the island of Oahu. I was with a group of my very close friends and after a long day in the ocean and the sun I came inside to rest and draw in my sketchbook. : ) Thank you so much to Vogue Girl for including me!
Feature Press
I’m Featured on Italian Vogue!
Morning Everyone!
Happy Valentines Day!
First off… this isn’t my Valentine’s Day post as i’m sure you have already guessed,
but i will be posting it up here shortly i promise ;)
So I woke this morning to amazing news that i was featured on Vogue.it !
Italian Vogue is one of my all time favorite publications.
I’ve been reading Italian Vogue since i was in high school.
I even made those fake covers way back in the day, you remember this post?
So needless to say, it is really a huge honor for them to say all those nice words about my art.
Please check out the article if you want to, it’s right here.
Hope you’re having a great day. :)<

Feature Press
I’m In Teen Vogue Pt. 2 :)
Hey morning friends!
So i’m trying to start this new year off right which means i’ve been cleaning & getting organized like there is no tomorrow!
As i was cleaning, i stumbled on my issue of TeenVogue, and realized i never Posted it!
What is wrong with me! hahaa
Seriously been so disorganized lately!
Sorry for that.
But here it is! i had the honor of contributing some prints for TeenVogue’s Room Make Over.
I Love TeenVogue! Seriously everyone over there is the nicest people i have ever met.
And i love the concept of room make overs.
I’m so happy Paola Henriquez, one of the winners, got my prints. They fit perfectly in her room.
I really hope you like them, Paola :)
and thank you Jane for having me be part of this project :)

Feature Press
Featured on Another Magazine Site
Artist Danny Roberts is the creative force behind fashion-orientated painting and illustration blog, Igor + André, a favourite on AnOther’s Reader. He has been involved in art and photography projects since the age of 13 and now at 24 he runs a blog that receives an average of 70,000 visitors per month. For two-and-a-half years, Igor + André has been a platform for Roberts’s beautifully whimsical paintings, and the historical and design points of reference that inspire him. Here, he talks us through his work and some of the major achievements that starting the blog has lead to.
Another Magazine Interview
1. Why is the blog called Igor + André?
Actually, I haven't really said why it's called that yet. It's named after a project I've been planning for a few years, but it's not ready yet. Sorry about that. I can’t wait to share it with everyone though.
2. How would you describe your blog and its purpose?
My blog for the most part is just an art diary. I post paintings, sketches, videos, or songs that I've written and try to explain them.
3. Why do you think it became so popular?
I’m not really sure, it came out of nowhere. I mean, my brother talked me into starting a blog – I didn’t even know what one was, let alone that anyone would ever read it. But, little by little, I started receiving emails from people and getting featured in magazines. It’s been so humbling and trippy.
4. How would you describe your illustration style?
I would describe it as my handwriting. Just like everyone’s handwriting is different, my drawing style is just me trying to draw accurately and it comes out looking like my style.
5. The illustrations, and the points of reference you mention, are incredibly feminine. Why do you find this niche of art and illustration so compelling?
Well, for the most part I paint things that I am interested in, and women are one of my biggest inspirations. I think that fashion is perfect, because it celebrates women and beauty. I would say that Woman Sitting with Left Leg Drawn Up by Egon Schiele is one of my favorite paintings of a woman. Also La Belle Dame Sans Merci by John William Waterhouse. As for why I paint women, it is simply because they are beautiful.
6. Is there are particular designer or style you prefer to draw?
Yes, definitely. I usually like to paint things that remind me of dreams. Alexander McQueen was my favorite designer to paint because all of his collections seemed like they were from another world. I am drawn to anything that looks like it is out of a storybook.
7. How has having the blog lead to other interesting work?
Almost all my jobs have been because of my blog. Thanks to it, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Lovers, Lancôme, and Forever 21. There was a portrait of Lee Alexander McQueen that I posted on my blog as a tribute. A few months later, I was asked by the Sunday Times Magazine in London if they could use it for the cover, which was the honour of a lifetime. I was supposed to fly to New York for Fashion Week the day that he died, but my flight was cancelled due to a massive storm. I was so taken aback by the news of his death, that I painted the portrait as a tribute to him.
Text by Laura Havlin

Feature Press
I’m In Teen Vogue!
OK SO…. Officially My Childhood Dreams have Come True! I’m in Teen Vogue~! So i have to say, out of all the Features i’ve had, i think i’m the most excited about this one! No joke! i remember, back my junior year in high school, thinking “It would be the Coolest thing ever to be Teen Vogue” haha I was thinking that because i had my own clothing company in high school, but it’s so trippy that it actually happened! haha Well thank you so much Teen Vogue, and thank you to you all for being wonderful! I pasted the article text below. :) Oh and it’s the lovely Karlie Kloss on the Cover! woot woot! P.S. I know this is a little random… But i started a tumblr Page Called “Inside My Brain“, Since Igor + André is Art, and The Dream Walking Society is for Inspiration, I thought i would do one that is more of a steady stream of consciousness :) hope you like it “When Danny Roberts started drawing wide-eyed portraits of models back in art school, fashion served as “a doorway into a dream world” for the native Californian. Now 24, he has since walked right through it, embraced by the very insiders he depicts, including Karl Lagerfeld and plucked-from-the-runway beauties. “I look for people who have something I feel I can capture on paper,” Danny explains of his subjects. His next-big-thing status has led to industry friendships and coveted collaborations, like a recent partnership with creative powerhouse Gwen Stefani, who invited Danny to contribute artwork for her Harajuku Lovers line. “Getting that e-mail and discovering Gwen Stefani was reading my blog [Igor & Andr] was pretty bizarre,” admits the artist, who is anything but jaded by all the high-profile attention. “Seeing my bags in Bloomingdale’s was a trip. The day they came out, my whole family went and took pictures!” So how might he react to one day spotting his own fashion label in stores? Danny–who founded a T-shirt company as a teen and studied fashion design in college–hopes to find out. “The work I’m doing now is kind of a roundabout way of getting there. I’ll probably end up starting my own label eventually, but for now I’m keeping a notebook of clothing designs, just for fun.” –E.G. From TeenVogue

Feature Press
Me + Friends In Vogue Nippon May 2010
Hey Friends! Got some great news! I’m in Vogue Nippon! I’m so excited! I’ve been a big big big Fan of Vogue Nippon for awhile! Actually, one of the first Vogue covers i ever drew was a Vogue Nippon cover of Heather Marks. Ok Yea, so the magazine arrived today, and it was amazing thumbing through the issue and seeing so many of my web friends in there. Early in the issue, i stumbled on the lovely and wonderful Miss Pandora, Louise Ebel. Then in the Social Media Sections, it was great seeing Jane Aldridge (seaofshoes) & Judy Aldridge (Atlantis Home), Tavi Gevinson (The Style Rookie), Bryan Yambao of Bryanboy, Susie Lau (style bubble), and Julia Frakes (Bunny BISOUS)! I have to say it was so trippy having my picture next to Carine Roitfeld (French Vogue)! hahaha i wish i could read Japanese cause the issue looked amazing!

Feature Press
Thank you Vogue Spain!
Hey Friends! I’m in the December Issue of Vogue Spain! Wow, thank you, thank you Vogue Spain! And thank you, my friends, again for your support, your comments, and your Tweets! :) Hey, what do you think? i think having my Vogue cover printed in a Vogue is the closest to doing a Vogue Cover i have ever been! haha
The Fashion World is in Love at First Sight with Blog Igor + Andres Model Drawings
Under this pseudonym hides Danny Roberts, a 22-year-old young artist trained in fashion design and a lover of models, whose drawings have gone beyond the virtual world. Roberts has already collaborated with three labels, nothing surprising considering he started his own t-shirt company when he was 13! Who are his favorite iconic models? The Ward sister, Gemma and Sophie. Their look is from another world—innocent and sophisticated. Roberts, who has drawn more than one hundred versions of Gemma Ward and Lily Cole, notes Egon Shiele, Aubrey Beardsly, Irving Penn, and Steven Meisel as influences. He is a fan of vintage Vogue and Vanity Fair covers, and would love to collaborate with McQueen. What’s next? He’s illustrating a children’s book written by Sophie Ward, publishing his own book, making short films, a cd… Edit: P.S. Thank you so much Stephanie Mezyk for the translation!! amazing ;)

Feature Press
Hello US Elle!! :)
Guess what, my Friends?! I’m in Elle Magazine!! Believe it or not, this is my first major feature in my own country! haha I’ve had press all over the world, but not really that much in the US. So i just wanted to say, thank you all so much your reading, reposting of my work, your tweeting, and all your support. I feel like this couldn’t have happened without you all!
And thank you, Elle, for your kind words! You’re amazing!
“Danny Roberts Elle Press Clipping said, the 24-year-old Southern California artist Danny Roberts is creating marjor buzz with his beautiful illustrations of models and fashion folk such as catwalker Mina Cvetkovic. With his Successful blog, Igor+Andre, and his recent limited edition signature collection of handbags and apparel for gwen stefani harajuku lovers fashion line, roberts is definitely one to watch.”