Inspiration Friday
Flying Through Fog & Water
Well My friends, Happy Inspiration Friday! Is it just me or did this week fly by? Wow, i can’t believe it’s Friday! Thank you all for your kind words. I’m so glad you like the Forever21 Collection. I finally went to our local F21 store and saw them. They are really great quality. I hope you all have had a great week. :) Photos by the great miss Eleanor Hardwick, Toulouse Lautrec, and a few others not sure where they are from :)

Inspiration Friday
It’s A Bright and Wonderful World
Happy Inspiration Friday! As you can see, today’s inspiration was vibrant colors. All the inspiration Friday post are very mood driven, and today is a bright sunny day, thus the bright post. How was your week? Has it felt like the weeks have been moving way too fast? I honestly wish i could borrow Hermione’s time turner! Well anyways, my friends, hope you’re doing well! :) Images are by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Vincent Van Gogh, Coco Rocha of Numéro, and the other few other images not sure the source :)

Inspiration Friday
The Storm is Coming
Hey there friends! :) Wow this last weekend worked me over… it’s friday… and my brain has been in a fog all week. Hopefully i can catch up on sleep this weekend… haha Well happy Inspiration Friday! I hope you like this set of images :) I got them via Joe Sorren, Shorpy, And henry darger.

Inspiration Friday
A Dream That I Call Home
Well My Friends it’s Friday!~ YAY! I’m really happy that it is. This has been a long week! For example, I definitely fell asleep at my computer while proof reading last night! My brother was kind enough to proof it, and click post for me, then wake me up! hahah Yea, needless to say, I’m ready for some sleep this weekend. So today’s Inspiration Friday was inspired by the mix I’m currently listing to… The playlist is posted up on “Inside My Brain” so you can listen along ;) But really like how it turned out! It has a warm intimate feel to it. It kind of reminds me of the dreams you have that you’re really disappointed you had to wake up, and you wish they could go on forever… You know what I’m talking about, right??? The Images are from a variety of places… Snorpy, Joe Sorren (my favorite living painter), Vincent Van Gogh, Life Magazine (1950), And the last photo on the bottom right, I took during this last Fashion Week at the Siki Im Fashion Presentation. P.S. The image of Kate Moss was when she was 14 and it was her first photo shoot, i think… What the heck! She looked like a star from day 1 ;) P.S.S. I’m working on a story book painting for yawl, i think you will like it! :)

Inspiration Friday
The Land Of the Runaways
Happy Inspiration Friday! Welcome my Friends to the Land of the Runaways! So a few years ago i kept having these dreams that all took place in the Forest of the Runaways. haha no joke, it only existed in my dreamworld, and the Runaway Forest was full of rag tag kids that either didn’t have a family or had runaway from home and now lived in this Kids town they built in the forest. In my dream i would always come visit them, and lead them on random adventures. So today’s set of images are inspired by the Runaway’s Forest. It’s kinda uncanny how much the images look like that world! so Fun! I’m hopping to start writing short stories from my dream world. ;) The collection of images are from Shorpy, Lula Magazine, and from my friends Knightcat & Alice. P.S. I Added Buttons to the right to “Inside My Brain” & “The Dream Walking Society” :)

Inspiration Friday
The Road is Long, Tough, and Cold
Well a Very Happy Inspiration Friday! How are you doing my friends? My Day has been amazing! it’s like the full trifecta… 1: It’s Inspiration Friday 2: It’s My Moms Birthday 3: I got Featured on MODELS.COM!!! As you all pretty Much know Models are my favorite subject matter to draw. So basically to be featured on the front page models.com is like a dream come true! Thank you Chris from One Management & Models.com! Click Here to Check out the Interview. Today’s inspiration Friday has a kind of dark vibe to it, but listen to the band “Explosions in the Sky” while you are looking at the images, and you should get the right vibe. Last weeks image set was kind of the ending to this set. Think of this weeks images as The First half of a book, Last Weeks as the last half of a book. I’ve been lovely some of those oldpaintings. The Images are from Lina scheynius, Brassai, Hans Memling, Simone Martini, Steven Meisel, and Joseph Mallord William. if i left anyone out let me know! :) Hope your having a Magical day!

Inspiration Friday
When the Zeppelin Calls
Happy Inspiration Friday my friends! :) How was your day? My was great. So i’m not sure if you all have noticed the 1400-1800 influence in the Inspiration Friday‘s over the last few weeks. I’ve never taken any Art History classes, and i really don’t know about other artists. So i’ve been researching and discovering older painters, and loving every minute of it!. I’ve always been obsessed with Zeppelins so i thought a journey on a Zeppelin would be a theme for this Inspiration Friday. The Inspiration Friday images are Steven Meisel, El Greco, Hans Holbein the Younger, and a few others that i don’t know where they are from. If you have questions, go to: http://www.formspring.me/DannyJRoberts ;)

Inspiration Friday
The Forest is Calling My Name
Happy Inspiration Friday! Wow i am so ready for the weekend.. Feeling a little run down & under the weather. hopefully catch up on some sleep over the next few days. The theme this week is “The Forest is Calling My Name” …. because The Forest IS Calling My Name! haha i’ve been dying to explore new forest in distant places. Do any of you have anything fun planned for this weekend? The Images are from a variety of sources. The Images are from Luciana Val & Franco Musso, tanya dziahileva in Horst Diekgerdes photo, Steven Meisel, Sandro Botticelli, and Ford Madox Brown.

Inspiration Friday
Can I Run Off to This Land?
Happy Inspiration Friday. Hi friends, so i had one of the most stressful weeks ever. There have been so many things to get done, and so many big/tough decisions to make. I’m so sorry for just two posts this week… I don’t want to let you all down. I just wanted to thank you for your support, and let you know how much yawl mean to me. You all make a rough week alot brighter. :) Happy Inspiration Friday! This week’s images are of a distant land i want to visit ;) The Images are from Aneta Bartos, Haw-lin, imable.se, and the rest of the images, not sure where they are from.

Inspiration Friday
Valentine’s Day Edition of Inspiration Friday
Hey Friends, Wow, i can’t believe New York Fashion Week is right around the corner! My brother and I fly out in 4 days! How crazy is that! I have some clothes arriving and have a fitting tomorrow! I’m really really excited to see how they turned out! Also, I wish i could show you a few paintings i did for some clients this week, but i can’t yet… just wait. It’s coming out soon! :) Also, sorry i didn’t post this [intlink id=”544″ type=”post”]inspiration friday[/intlink] yesterday… but i guess, here it is. This series of images i put together for the inspiration book for the collaboration art project i’m doing. I’m sorry i don’t know who the photographers who took the images are.. I do know that one of the paintings is by an incredible painter named “Joe Sorren” I hope you like the images! i hope you’re doing great :)