DBNG Fairy Tale
The Day Boy & Night Girl
I started this piece 2018 with a really raw thumbnail sketch (see below). A few months later I tried to develop the concept more for a few weeks and felt like I didn’t have the skills to pull the drawing off. Fast forward to the start of this month, I finally felt up to the task. This piece is inspired by the 1882 fairy tale novel “The Day Boy & Night Girl” by George MacDonald. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. It is one the most magical stories. I loved the idea of depicting moment of when day crosses over into the night. I had such a clear picture of what i wanted, so I kept redrawing this piece till it felt right. I’m planning on carving a relief/oil painting of this piece. I really hope you like it.
I created a limited edition print of the piece. If You’re interested click here to check it out. 😉

Fairy Tale
Camille’s Midnight Stroll
“Camille has been around longer than anyone alive. One would think that out-living everyone one that you know would be a solemn and sobering experience. Not for her. She has very much enjoyed it. Where she lives, all of the animals adore her. Why wouldn’t they? She is the eternal Queen of the Trees.”
Just a concept for Camille “Queen of the Tree” character design. I she is one of my favorite characters in our up in coming book so designing her has been really fun. She is such a magical and sassy character. I can’t wait for you to read the book.

Camille of the Trees – Redesign
Camille is a character I have had in my head for over ten years now. She is in the top 5 of my favorite characters in my brother and my upcoming book. At the beginning of 2018, when I started working on character design for the book, she was the first character I started designing. Even though I have been drawing people for years, I quickly found out I knew very little about character design. My first version of her was heavily influenced by anime
(cause I love anime) but it wasn’t quite right for our book. I took a few character design classes and earlier this year I gave her a redesign and this character was born. Her overall vibe feels right. What do you think of her? Also, this month’s Patreon Rewards are up, so you can download them here.

KnightCat Artist Collaboration
Hey friends, how was your weekend? And for you in the US, how was your Thanksgiving? Well, the painting today is one i co-painted with artist and model Codie Young. This was one of the greatest Artist Collaboration, i’ve done. I wish you could see it in real life. It’s one of my favorite paintings, and sadly pictures don’t do it justice. It’s 30″X40″ on Wood. All the skin tone and hair was painted with wood stain, which was super interesting to use as an art medium. I will definitely be using it again. For the background and markings we used oil paint. We carved out the eyes two layers deep into the wood and painted in with acrylic. It was so much fun painting it with Codie. It was my first time ever painting a picture at the same time with someone also. It was an interesting and great experience. I have a video that I will be posting soon on the process. For you Art collectors out there this Piece is up for sell in the Igor + André Store.
Also Tomorrow My Skillshare Class opens up. You Can Sign up Here. Please let me know what you think of the class. I spent a lot of time on the class and really hope it helps you grow as an artist/Fashion enthusiast.

Concept Sketch Story Book
My Kitty Milo
Hey friends how was your weekend?
We’ve been worried about my cat Milo, who went missing last week. :( In honor of the wonderful cat that he is, I thought I would post a sketch I did of him. The Sketch was a concept for the book my friend, Sophie Ward, and I did. The book’s name is Ginger Marmalade Toast. We put up flyers of Milo today so hopefully we will get him back soon. He’s a good kitty.

Fairy Tale Illustration
Welcome the the Forgotten City
How’s your day/night going? Ours has been pretty fun. I found this crazy text-to-speech software that reads whatever you type. And my brother and parents and I sat around and had the computer read the first few chapters of our book back to us. It was such a surreal feeling to hear another voice reading our book, albeit a computer voice, but it was awesome. One of my life time goals is to have Jim Dale be the reader of our book’s book on tape. Have you ever heard him read? He’s incredible and Dave and I agree we must find a way for him to be our reader. I’m going to put in a few more hours tonight to try to finish the 6th chapter. I thought in honor of possibly finishing the chapter tonight, i would post a drawing from the story. :) This drawing is a map i made a few months ago of a place in our stories called the Forgotten City. When i was first designing the city, I 3D modeled the the landscape for inspiration. It helped so much for when i was designing the city. I really hope you like it. I can’t wait for you all to read the stories. ;)

Fairy Tale
Story Book Concept Drawing of Tom’s House
Hi, everyone!
How are you?! : ) As I mentioned, I’ve been oil painting a lot lately and really enjoying it. I think the painting is starting to take shape now, and I’m getting excited about it. Hopefully it will turn out cool and I’ll have something fun to share with you! Also, I might have a new video coming soon. So my friend Carolina and I have always talked about building a giant tree house,and I decided to design one! Haha This is my drawing of it. I hope you like it!
P.S. this is pretty much my dream home ;)

Fairy Tale
Foggy Dream Walking
Hey Friends how was your weekend? Mine was great! My Sister and brother-in-law got me this amazing book from the Tim Burton exhibit at LACMA, so i have been looking through it non-stop for the last two days! I’m really excited to see what kind of art it will inspire :) I’m also working on a new oil painting… I’ve only done the first two layers of paint, but once it starts taking shape i will start posting pictures :) Since i just started oil painting more lately, I thought it would be interesting to take what i’m learning and apply it over to digital painting. The Picture above is what i came up with. I like how it’s a little bit different than my usual. What do you think?

Fairy Tale
Character Development For Our Story
Hi friends! How are you? So I ran out of clay and have to wait for more to arrive to finish my sculpture. I’m really excited, though! It is a super fun medium. Today’s post is a drawing I did for some character development for the story I am writing with my brother David. This is of lil’ Finn and Samuel. It also is part of the Series on Love : ) I hope you are all having a great week so far and I can’t wait to show you the sculpture if it turns out!