Inspiration Friday
“Time Passes but My Memories Remain”
Hello, my friends! How are you doing? Well i’m sure glad it’s inspiration Friday today! Also, for those wondering what i’m doing in Texas… Well, my friends Weston & Jessie, and Chantelle & Todd are getting married tomorrow! How awesome is that? It’s a double wedding :) I’m really excited for it. Since it’s been awhile since i had been out here in Tyler, TX, it’s been bringing back tons of fun memories of the place. So, I thought for this Inspiration Friday, i would have a very contemplative / reminiscing feeling post. I hope you like it. photos by Barbara Cole, Nader, Lina scheynius, Man Ray, and a few that i don’t know who did them.

Inspiration Friday
White Christmas
Well, i think it’s official… I really want to travel to new lands and see new places… so if anyone is traveling and needs to hire a documentary photographer…. (wink, wink) ;) hhaha well today’s theme for Inspiration Friday is “White Christmas” for obvious reasons! Wow, we are almost there, Christmas!! Woot, woot! Very exciting times! Bought my tickets for New York Fashion Week Tonight. Also, watching “The Sound of Music” for the 5th time! I’ve never left the country before… whenever i do, i want to go to the Bavarian Castles! Oh my, that would be incredible! Well anyways, my friends, hope you’re having a wonderful Friday!

Inspiration Friday
Swimming With My Thoughts
Happy Inspiration Friday~ I hope your week was a good one. My week was an energy sucker! hah Lately, it’s felt like i’ve been working 3 jobs at once. Too bad Hermione Granger can’t loan me a time turner, i would be very, very grateful! Well, my friends, i hope you all are having a wonderful day! i’m off to Dave & Busters! woot woot! ;)

Inspiration Friday
Traveling Through Fire For You
Hello friends! Sorry about the belated Inspiration Friday post! Last night, my brother and i had dinner with Helen Zhu (ceo of Chictopia.com) and we were having so much fun that the dinner turned into a 5 hour dinner! haha So, needless to say, i arrived home a little late, so that is why Inspiration Friday is now Inspiration Saturday! The theme this week is “I Would Travel Through Fire For You”. I really like how the collection of images turned out! I hope you like it, too! I’m excited cause we are decorating for Christmas today!! Woot, woot! :) So i must get going cause, in the words of the White Rabbit, “I’m Late, I’m Late, for a very important date!” Merry Christmas! ;) P.S. If you know who any of the photographers of these pictures are, i would love to give them credit. Just let me know and i will. The first picture of Sasha is by Miles Aldridge, i think. ;) The Second Row picture by Sarah Moon. Also, i think the 3rd image is by Toulouse Lautrec. The B&W image on the fourth picture set is by Steven Meisel.

Inspiration Friday
Raining Confetti & the Raging Sea
Hey, hey, hey Friends How was your day? My day has been amazing! Took the day and have just been relaxing. Just finished catching up with a good friend of mine, and now got yawl a new set of Inspiration Friday images! Someone on the last Insp-Fri set asked why i didn’t cite who the photographers were or where they came from. and the truth of the matter is, i don’t really know. i have an “inspiration” folder on my computer full of images, but they aren’t labeled, so i don’t really know. Sorry about that. If you know who did the photos, let me know; i would love to give credit. The only image i know for sure is the Toulouse Lautrec painting on the left, 3 up from the bottom. But i hope they inspire you! :) Have a great night!

Inspiration Friday
Vampires & Faded Dreams
Happy Inspiration Friday! Today’s theme is “Vampires & Faded Dreams” in honor of a certain Vampire movie coming out this year. Got some good news for yawl tomorrow! :) hope your having a wonderful night!

Inspiration Friday
Welcome To the Land of Love
Last night was incredible! The Movie was sooooo soooooo goood! Thank you so much Lucrecia for an absolutely incredible night! Awe, so happy it’s Inspiration Friday! The theme is “The Land of Love” What is the Land of Love, you ask? Well, so basically, i have this random theory that whenever i fall in love, i will disappear from “This World” and be magically teleported to the world people call “The Land of Love”. (see images below) This is the land where there is always a fog or a smokey haze. A land filled with Mystery & Adventure. So with that said, i hope you like the images. If you have any ideas for next week’s Inspiration Friday theme, do let me know! i would love to hear! :)

Inspiration Friday
The Siren Book Act 5
Hey there, my friends. How have you been? You all have been amazing! Such nice and great comments and questions; i’ve been trying to get back to comment to all of them, so if i miss your question, try to let me know. :) Ok, so over the last couple weeks, my good friend from the other side of the world, Miss Sophie Ward, has been blessing me with daily new Chapters from our Collaboration Siren Art Project. So i’ve been reading it over and listening to the wonderful songs my incredible friend Stacy Dupree has written for it, and my brain has been going wild!! It’s killing me not getting to share the stories and the song with you… but soon, i promise, soon! i think it is going to be the most beautiful project i’ve ever done by far! I may not be able to share the words or the songs yet, so i think i will share a few pages out of the 350 page inspiration book i threw together for the project, to give us a vision before we had one. This section is the inspiration for the second to last section of the story. :) Hope you like it!

Inspiration Friday
Inspiration Book Part 2
Well i was looking through my Siren Project inspiration book today and decided i would post a few more pages. if you haven’t seen my first post about the inspiration book i made, Click Here to see and read more about. well hope you like it. enjoy.
Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4

Act 5

Act 6