Artist Danny Roberts Illustration of Lady Gaga for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show


Lady Gaga + Chadwick Tyler

When coming up with what to post on for Halloween, this photoshoot instantly came to mind. A few years ago, my good friend Chadwick Tyler asked me if I would be one of his assistants on his cover shoot for V Magazine with Lady Gaga & the Cast of American Horror Show. I ended up doing all the post production on the shoot as well, processing the digital files, hand developing all the film, scanning, and retouching everything. It was tons of work, but really a once in a life time experience. Getting digital, 35mm film, and 120 film to all look the same was a super tough task, but I’m really happy with how it turned out. I hope that one day a book of this shoot gets released. There are hundreds of incredible photos in the shoot. I snuck a few quick drawings in there. Happy Halloween!

Denis Ohare looking into a mirror in lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
A Photo of lady gaga for v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler American
KathyBates sitting for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
A Photo of Sarah Paulson by artist danny Roberts for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler American
Photo of american horror show director Ryan Murphy for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler
Drawing of Wes Bentley holding a knife by artist danny Roberts for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler Photo of Wes Bentley holding american flag for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick tyler
Cheyenne Jackson in lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
Cheyenne Jackson and lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
Drawing by artist Danny Roberts of DenisOhare and ChloeSevigny  in lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
A Photo of Matt Bomer by artist danny Roberts for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler American
ChloeSevigny and lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
Photo of AngelaBassett for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwicktyler Lady Gaga, Wes Bentley, Matt Bomer, and AngelaBassett playing cards for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
A Photo of Finn Wittrock Lifting lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
A Photo of Finn Wittrock carrying lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
Lady Gaga, Wes Bentley, Matt Bomer, and AngelaBassett, and Denis Ohere for lady gaga v magazine shoot by Chadwick Tyler american horror show
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