Lost in Sketches.
I decided this year I was going to turn my self filter off, and share my process. I started to notice a really bad habit of only posting final finished pieces. I think the habit started right around when social platforms started, limiting the reach of posts based on interaction, which is one of many reasons I’m starting to slowly leave those platforms. Whatever the cause, I want to share the countless unseen drawings, attempts and failures, that go into every project. This page is my first Sketchbook page when I started working on Character Design for “Lost In the Crowd”.
** if you are viewing this on Bloglovin, make sure to click through so you can see all the images. ;)

When I get working on projects like this, I tend to get what I call “reverse” writer’s block. I get so many ideas, it’s a bit overwhelming. For Lost in the Crowd, it’s a story that I can really relate to, so the ideas keep pouring out. The only way I can deal with reverse writer’s block is doing every idea until my favorite one rises to the surface.

My favorite part of the process so far is the more I sketch the characters, the more the characters go from these abstract concepts to feeling like old friends. The Study Sketches on this page are super rough mood sketches for the character Yuki Tachibana, and there are two rough sketches of Hachi.

Have you done much writing or character design? I would love to hear about your experiences. Even if you haven’t, I love hearing your thoughts. Let me know which number drawing is your favorite for Yuki. Quick background is She is pop star in her mid 20s. Will tell you more soon. :) Click Here to Comment. I hope you have a wonderful day!
It’s so true what you say about social media changing what we post. It’s been such a slow transition so I’ve not even realied it! But I also prefer to blog and write things with a bit more substance! 😊 (and show the process not just the result)
November 5, 2019 at 11:55 pmAwe thanks for Commenting Petra! ❤️😊
November 6, 2019 at 7:48 amYeah I feel the same, Social is a bit to noisy. It so nice to see posts at a slower pace and be able to enjoy them. Another thing i love about blogs is how each on looks and feels so different. We aren’t force into making art a certain size or ratio. Pure Freedom. ;) Hope you are having a great Day!