Iris Egbers Top Newcomers Spring 2011
So today has been a big time multi-tasking day… I’m currently exporting a new video i edited for you all. I’m excited to show you it.Also about to leave for the Lumber yard, Cause i’m finally going to build some large format shelves to keep my originals safe. I seriously have been needing to do this for some time now. I have thousands of Originals that have nowhere to go. Also need to get some drawings done… big day, should be fun.How about you? Up to anything fun today? Well the painting today is from My Top Newcomers Spring 2011, i did for models.com.The Picture is of Iris Egbers. Iris has a really unique & interesting look… Very Expressive. Well, i hope you like it!

Laura O’Grady
I’m excited to introduce to you one of my favorite New Models, Laura O’Grady. Laura is an Irish model represented by Select Model Management and Supreme Management. I was doing some research online when i stumbled on to a few pictures of her that really inspired me to draw. I decided to add her into one of my on going series, the Newcomer portrait series, and as a new ongoing member of my project called the Character Sketchbook. This drawing is #226 in Volume 3 of the Character sketchbook. She is definitely on David & my list of people we want to work with in upcoming photo shoots.

Codie Young
Hey Friends how was your halloween?
Did any of you dress up?
David got his tonsils taken out yesterday so been hanging out with him, as he recovers.
Well i finally finished the Codie Young Portrait. I really like how it turned out.
It was inspired Camille Vivier picture for Lula Magazine. Let me know what you think i hope you like it :)
P.s. Happy Birthday Codie :)

Models Portrait
Daphne Groeneveld
Hey everyone! How was your weekend? We had a relaxing one. Just hung out and worked on this portrait of the beautiful Daphne Groeneveld. As some of you recall I did a portrait of Daphne Groeneveld, for models.com’s Top Newcomers Spring 2011. I wasn’t able to spend as much time as I would have liked on my last portrait of her, and though i really like the first portrait, I thought I would do another one and spend a little bit more time on it. Last Friday I picked up a pencil and some illustration board and started sketching and this is what was born out of it. I really like how it turned out. I feel like it captures a touch of feeling in the expression. My picture was inspired by Alasdair McLellan’s photo. I hope you like it :)

Models Projects Showcards
IMG Models Spring 2013 Show Package
Well, my friends, it’s finally up! So excited to share this with you. I was asked by IMG Models to make a stop motion video of coloring their Show book for this season that came out today. The Show book is incredible. It was made in a way that it’s a coloring book, and every model’s showcard can tear out if you want to. I decided to keep my book intact seeing as it’s the largest coloring book I own. It was actually the first show package I’ve ever received, which was cool in itself. I got the coloring book Friday morning, and started coloring right away. Three days, 9 large bags of candy, 138 pages and 6,435 pictures later, this video was born. Saturday morning, David and I were at Peet’s drinking coffee (a Saturday morning Family Tradition), when we came up with the idea of incorporating candy into the video. We thought that Models, candy, and coloring books would be the best combo ever. We picked up 9 massive bags of candy and separated every candy and every color into different glasses. As i colored, David and his girlfriend Kristie would arrange and re-arrange the candy patterns between frames. I think my favorite in the video is in the finale, David had the idea of having the Starbursts bloom like flowers. It happens really fast, but looks really cool. There are a lot of fun little hidden things in the video, so it might be worth watching with YouTube slow motion, like the Starburst pacman, and when i paint one of the pictures with pink Good & Plenties dipped in water. I think we will post tomorrow some of our favorite stills from the video. Oh yea, and the song is by my friends, Zac, Ryan and Alice Baxley. They have a side project called “Cars! Bullets! Trains!!!” and the song is called “Just Count to Ten”. Well, I hope you like it. We had so much fun making it. Let me know what you think. ;)
Polina Kouklina Study Sketch
Well, it’s been a lazy Sunday afternoon. I spent the morning writing and working on the book. Hoping to wrap up Chapter 11 out of 20 today. Last week, got in 2 chapters in 7 days which was the fastest we have ever done. So we are getting there. Wow, it is a long process, but i’ve been enjoying it. David’s out front right now washing his car with his girl friend Kristie, and I was just working on planning out this week. I thought i would post this super rough study sketch i did a few weeks back of model Polina Kouklina. It’s pretty raw, but i hope you like it. :) Now i think it’s time to go jump in the pool!

Models Portrait
Rasa Zukauskaite
Well, i finished the mixed Media painting i was working on with enough time to post it today! Mission accomplished ;)
So, the picture today is of the lovely Rasa Zukauskaite. I posted the rough draft sketch of the picture a few posts back and finally finished it this afternoon. It was one of those pictures that i had a vision of how i wanted it to turn out, and when i was 80% done with it, i decided to take it in a different direction. I’m really glad i did. The reference picture i got from Rasa’s Flickr page (do check her Flickr page out) and I think it was a self portrait she had done. The mediums used were pencil, water color, color pencil, and pen. I’m planning on putting up a stop motion video of making this portrait tomorrow. I hope you like it.
Book Question of the Day: If you had a pet eagle, what would you name it?
P.s. Thanks for all the great wolf names. We loved reading through them.
Rasa Zukauskaite Concept Sketch
Well friends, I was hoping to finish a new paintingfor you all today but got a little bit of a late start on it. It’s of Rasa Zukauskaite. Right now I only have the rough under-sketch done, but I should have the final done in a day or two. I really like how the sketch turned out, so I thought I would post what I have so far. I’m also shooting a stop motion video documenting the full process of the painting. I’m really excited for it! I hope you like it! :)

Fresh Face Models Portrait
Anna L. – Img Models
Well Hello Friends!
Ever since i did the Models.com Spring 2011 Top Newcomers Series, i’ve had the idea of starting a portrait series of new up and coming Models. David and i have even talked about doing an interview to accompany the portrait as part of series. Well, i’m happy to say that the Anna L. is the first portrait in the “Newcomer Portrait Series“. Anna is a Danish model with IMG. She first caught my eye when, a few months ago, I was on Models.com’s and they had featured Anna as a new face. When i was looking through the images on the post, the set of polaroids of her was what first caught my eye. There were about six or seven of them, and she just had such pure and naturally beautiful look, that i knew instantly that i wanted to paint her.
Plus she has great freckles, and as you know, i'm a sucker for freckles.;)

I really hope you like this portrait i did based off of a polaroid from lemanagement.dk. I posted below a few of my favorite Polaroid's of anna. Hopefully we can do some interviews on the next ones so we can share the girls personalities as well as looks. ;) If you have any suggestions of new girls who you think would be good for this series, Dave & I would love here them, so just the name or a picture of the person on our Facebook page. Lastly, i just wanted to let you know what's been going on for the last few months. As i'm sure you can tell, my posting has been quite pathetic lately. It's not due to a lack of interest. Since the start of the year, I've had a slight career change from Illustration, to doing more Creative Direction of a hand full of special projects i've been wanting to do for the last 6 or 7 years now, which has been quiet the learning curve. So, keeping up blogging and emails so far this year has been super tough. Luckily, I finally feel like i've got things pretty manageable, so i'm hoping to be back posting consistently again. For those who haven't given up on us, sorry, thanks for your patience, and i hope you like what we have going forward. :)
Mona Johannesson Painting
Hello everyone! How are you all? So I realized today that this had been sitting on my desk and I thought “Hey, I need to share this with everyone!” So here it is. :) It is a painting of Mona Johannesson that I think is from a backstage runway picture. Well, I hope you like it and hope you are all having a great night! Also, I just saw the Avengers again with my family. That movie is great! So funny and entertaining! Have you seen it?