Art Collages
Under Water Collage
This collage was a fun little experiment I did with my friend Photographer Chadwick Tyler. We had wanted to play around and try things to merge our two styles. One of the first experiments I was curious about trying was hand tinting the photo, so I printed Chadwick’s pictures on transparency paper and painted with oil paint on both sides of the transparency. It gave it a really cool look. I hope you like it :)

Collages Creative Direction
What’s Contemporary The Full Set
Hello friends!! well, Here are the full set of images that i made for my What’s Contemporary issue!
I know the Collages are alot different from my usually but i really like it them.
Please go to whatscontemporary.com/dannyroberts to see the issue.
and let me know what you think, i hope you like them :)

Collages Creative Direction
My What’s Contemporary Issue
Well, it’s finally here!
My What’s Contemporary issue is finally up!
I will wait to post the rest of the images tomorrow, but you can check out the full issue up at www.whatscontemporary.com.
All the images in the collages were made out of portions I sampled from different currencies from all over the world, as well as scans I made of old family photos my mom inherited when my grandma died a few years ago. It was a really special experience going through the photo’s and incorporating them into my pictures. The image above is of my aunt when she was a little girl and when she was in high school. The Full concept is up on the site. I really hope you like it! Let me know what you think :)

Hide & Sea
Hello, my friends! How was your day? Spent a good amount of the day drawing. But i ended up doing another collage for you all :) I really like how it turned out. It’s kinda trippy looking, and also kinda reminds me of the first Romeo & Juliet painting i did a month back. I saw this image of the picture of the girl covering her eyes, on the Dream walking Society, and thought it was amazing!! i love it :) The picture seriously makes me want to play Hide and Go Seek so bad! When was the last time you played that game?! I think I might need to organize a large Hide-N-Seek game in the near future… :) Well, i hope you’re having a great day! :) P.S. The other day, some of you on Twitter, asked me to post some of the songs i wrote…. thought i would post a little song i wrote a little while back… It’s just a simple piano song… I hope you like it :)

Collages, Daydreams, and Doodles
Wow it’s midnight here so happy Friday! It’s not too often (like never!) that i collage… I know this isn’t too much of a collage… but i kind a just felt like making one today. It just felt like one of those days. My brain has been drifting off to dreamland alot lately, so i thought i would make this little journal collage thingy. i have to say, it was pretty fun to make. I really hope you like it! and happy Friday my friends! :) Oh yea, and P.S. it’s not too often someone gives me a drawing, but Maria Korkeila was kind enough to draw a portrait of me.