Danny Roberts art portrait drawing of Japanese model Miyako 眞鍋 都 (Miiiyaaakooo) アーティストのダニー・ロバーツによる日本のモデルミヤコの肖像

Art Portrait

Miyako 眞鍋 都 (Miiiyaaakooo)

Drawing faces is one of those things that never gets old. I enjoy it so much. Peoples’ faces are so expressive and interesting. It’s such a fascinating subject-matter. Miyako’s portrait was another by-product of stumbling onto a photo that looked too fun to not draw. I couldn’t pass up drawing it. Today I was talking with my friend Katie Rodgers about cutting out those things that affect you negatively, and focusing on activities that lift you and the people around you up. More and more that is something I’ve been trying to do. I’ve been trying to figure out how to spread the hope and joy I have to you all, and encourage you. Well, I hope you are having a great day! ☺️

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