Happy Halloween from Christian Dada!
Happy Halloween! We thought the Christian Dada collection would be a perfect post for tonight as the show was the darkest and eeriest of Tokyo Fashion Week. The lighting was very dramatic and intense as was the collection. It had a certain something that reminded us of The Cell, a movie by Tarsem, the director of The Fall, which is a favorite movie of ours. There were life size bird cages, metal-work face masks, long flawy dress, and an elk antler wedding dress. We really like how the pictures turned out!!! Do you think they are Halloween spooky?!

Coco-Pumpkin Pie
Hahaha I did it!! Well, kind of…. haha So I tried, key word TRIED, to carve a pumpkin today… Yes, it was kind of a major failure… Don’t get me wrong, i had a blast attempting to cut that thing to pieces. By the time i was done, the pumpkin was falling apart! So, i regrouped and thought I would paint the back-up pumpkin. And who better to paint than the pumpkin haired model Coco Rocha! So, a few hours later, this was the by product. Ok, so i know it’s kinda trippy looking, but it was my first time painting on something spherical. I hope you like it! Oh, also going to Gen Art’s Fresh Faces in Fashion show tomorrow night. Pretty excited to see the new designers. Also, what do you think of the new site? Well, it’s kinda a new site. Spent the day working on cleaning the look of the blog up. :) Well, my friends, i hope you like the pumpkin and Happy Early Halloween. Wow, wait a sec! I almost forgot to mention something… Where are my manners? I heard from Alexa Chung!!!!! I got a message from her today, saying thank you for the painting. Thank you, thank you friends for your help; really means alot!!! And Alexa, if you’re reading this, thank you so much, definitely made my day! And if you want the painting, i would be happy to send it to you! ;) Oh yea if you have Lookbook you can Vote for the look here ;)

Flashback Halloween
The Sword Boy
I found this old halloween picture of me. and i thought i would post it to show off my cool Kid sword and mustache. ;)