Blue Eyes
Sketches From Tokyo Pt. 1
Hey Friends, how was your weekend? I was cleaning up my room and i found the sketchbook i took with me to Tokyo. I had completely forgotten i had done a handful of sketches while on the flight. Above are a few of them. On the left hand side is a quick contour sketch of my brother on the flight and on the right side, a study sketch of a human eye. Really hope you like it. Also i saw that some of you were a little frustrated by the lack of posting of drawings. Lately i’ve had to finish up some personal things, but i’m hoping to get back drawing this week. So please don’t give up on me ;)
Blue Eyes Models
The Profile of Miss Johannesson
How are you?
Well, today has been a long, but good day;
been drawing and painting all day.
Did this painting of one of my favorite models Mona Johannesson.
I’ve been eyeing this picture of her for a while now.
I love this photo shoot, it’s wonderful,
so i ended up painting it today.
Kinda reminds me of Audrey Hepburn a little.
Well, i hope you like it! :)
Edit: Also if you look to the Left on the side bar i added “Sign up for Email Alerts” so that i can let you know right way about any new releases. Also, I think I’m going to do a monthly newsletter to keep you all up on everything. so just fill the form out if you want to receive them. :)
Oh, also, thank you so much to Katrina-Kasey Wheeler and the for the article and interview! if you want to read it click here
Blue Eyes
The Red Hair Queen
Wow, i can’t believe this week is over! It’s friday; so crazy. Well, i’m getting geared up right now for a long day of drawing. The picture i’m posting today is of Lily Cole looking very Queen esk. i did this picture awhile back, but like all my drawings, they’re pretty high res. so i wanted to post a close up on it. i hope you enjoy it. Hope you all have had a great week. :) Oh also new Look up on LookBook. just everyday kinda thing… haha click here to see it.
Art Blue Eyes
The Blue Eyed Girl
Hello, my friends! Whatcha been up to? Wow, thanks for all the lovely comments on the drawing of Lisa. :) The drawing i’m posting today is one i did for a client, but it wasn’t exactly the art direction they were looking for, so i get to share it with you all. i hope you like it. It was a blend of water color, ink, color pencil, and pen. Are you getting excited for Fashion Week coming up? Anyone going? Well, i’m definitely excited to see what’s coming out. :)