Character Development
Character Height Chart – WIP
For the last few months I’ve been working trying to finish all the character design for “Lost in the Crowd“. It’s taken me a lot longer than I thought it would, but I’m starting to make a lot of progress on it. I thought I would post my progress. I was working on the background the for the last few days. I only have 5 out of 23 characters done. I was trying to get all the characters done before January. My plan was to submit this project for Adobe Creative Residency Program. I wanted to live in Tokyo, Japan, for the next year to write and begin drawing “Lost in the Crowd”. That is still my goal. After reading the adobe application, I was pretty bummed that I couldn’t submit the application cause I don’t qualify on two of the pre-requisites. So right now, I’m kinda scrambling looking for a different artist residency program. If you know of any I would love to hear ;). The sad thing is, I feel like this project is perfect for the Adobe program. Thanks to Katie Rodgers for telling me about the program.

Character Development
Lil Finn Concept Development Sketch
Hi, everyone! So I did another character development concept sketch for one of the characters in our book whose name is Lil’ Finn. Its kind of fun and cutesy. :) I think I like the freckles. How about you?