Guest Writer
The Guest Writer Part 2
Dearest fans, watchers, readers, lovers, writers, painters and animal friends, Danny and I are back in collaboration and having a marvelous time in his studio once again. We have rummaged through cupboards to find Italian cafetiers to make extra strong coffee, of which one sip is enough to send the synapses skyrocketing. We have made breakfasts, second breakfasts and brunches. We have played hide & go seek with my painting and checked on a hummingbird’s nest – all the while listening to the background of birds chirping in the lawnmower filled air of a sunny Californian June. Meanwhile, I am on Twitter thanks to Danny; I am obsessed with Dorothy Parker thanks to a second hand bookstore in Sydney; and I have excruciatingly demented jetlag thanks to long air journeys and the aforementioned strong coffee. My boyfriend Jon has printed out the directions to get to Texas, we’re all drinking lots of water and debating whether peanut butter, lentil hummus and salsa is really a good combination (hey, it’s nice, okay!) Here’s to the Roberts family, who have welcomed me once again with the most unforgivingly open, generous and unfalteringly warm arms, that I am once again indebted to their hospitality. They are for certain a blessing, an “American Family” who thrill to the sight of me cooking asparagus, making crackers, and expounding the benefits of going gluten-free. I just love being here, the perfection is almost too good to be true, and I always miss them as soon as I’m gone. Farewell! By the time you read this I will probably have dust in my hair and the sun in my eyes….. Road map fluttering in the heat of the open window. I’ll be thinking of you all. Safe journeys to everyone! I must go pack! White Rabbits are calling me to New York!! — Sophie Go read Guest writing Post 1
You are my inspiration!
You push me to try out new things especially with ur art.
It is just too cool!
I've nvr seen anythg like it before.
It's difficult to find a big talent like you in Malaysia.
That's where I'm from.
I hope you'll come here one day.
You'll be able to see a whole other side of a new culture:)
I promise we're friendly people.
Your Malaysian fan,
June 12, 2009 at 2:05 amRia Naz
i freakin' love your blogggg and drawings.
you are so inpirational :)
i wish i could be as good as you.
June 12, 2009 at 4:44 amThree Cheers for Sophie: Hip Hip Hurray! Great seeing you my friend. And great writing. The collaboration forces of Danny and Sophie are powerful in ways few can comprehend. I don't even know if I fully grasp the magnificent, raw power. Drive Safely.
June 12, 2009 at 5:18 amwhat a beautiful combo.
you and sophie!
the two of you together. with your passions + talent can move mountains!
thanks for inspiring!!!!!
June 12, 2009 at 6:41 amawe thanks leese, Gracie, Dave, and Ria!!
June 12, 2009 at 6:50 ammeans alot!
just wanted to say hi – i love love love what you do – so elegant yet quirky at the same time – genius! I have recently posted some illustrations on my blog. you are welcome to go visit.
thanks for your inspiration and the fact that there is always a bright and sunny post waiting for me in the morning!!
June 12, 2009 at 12:48 pmmatch made in artistic heaven.
June 12, 2009 at 3:23 pmShout-out to Sophie– you are so beautiful, whether in Danny's drawings or in real life. Seriously, your smile is just INFINITELY made of AWESOME.
June 12, 2009 at 3:35 pmAhh that's so cool! The perfect muse.
Oh and Danny, I've tried contacting Taylor Swifts management, Big Machine, by letter so I'm seeing if they respond! I'll keep you posted on the dress. :)
x x x
June 12, 2009 at 8:30 pmHeeeeehheeeeee so happy to see these up, ahahah we had such fun….
Thank you everyone for the kindest words!!!
June 12, 2009 at 9:25 pmReally beautiful drawings ;)
June 14, 2009 at 9:41 am