Artist Danny Roberts Valentines Falling in Love it happened one night. girl holding guys jacket love.

Art Patron

 / $ per month
Choose whatever price you want :)

The Heart of the Patron Program

One of my biggest desires is enabling everyone who has been following along and supporting my artistic journey to own my art and be able to have it in their home. I know for some of you, owning original art pieces seems out of reach. Living as an artist for over a decade, I’m humbled by your support and your investment into my work. Your support has meant the world to me. It’s kept me going during the most discouraging times. and was the driving reason for me to create this Patron’s Program. I wanted to partner with you and make something that blesses you for all your support.

In my Patron's Program, there are no tiers; you can contribute whatever is comfortable for you. Whether it’s $1 a month or $100, it’s all a blessing to me. You are free to increase or decrease your monthly amount. If life throws a crazy month at you, just adjust your monthly amount to fit your needs. Whatever you contribute, you can apply towards a purchase of open edition prints, limited edition, originals, or commissioned pieces. Consider it your ‘Art Savings Account’. As my way of giving back to you, on top of applying your contributed balance towards purchasing art, the first month of being a patron you get 5% off of all orders. Every month during the first year of being a patron, the discount increases. By the end of the first year you get a 20% discount. From that point on, your discount percentage goes up a percent every year up to a 50% discount. Patrons transitioning from Patreon will come into the program with a discount of 25% that will increase 1% per year.

Also as a patron, you will have the ability to reserve one piece of art that is for sale at a time. No down payment or payment plan is required. It means I won’t sell the piece to anyone but you, so you can take your time building up your balance until buying the piece becomes reality :) Art is still being added slowly to the store. Is there a piece you want that you don’t see in the store? Just let me know!