Mona Johannesson in Danny Roberts Painting from Numbero

Mona Johannesson

Mona and the Red Hair

Wow the 5 day count down till Hawaii is here! so crazy… it’s just starting to sink in How was yawls week end? mine was good but i’m super tired! did this painting today. whatcha think? it’s been working on getting better at paint and all the Jazz…. so been experimenting alot… wow i’m falling a sleep typing right now and it’s only like ten at night! scary huh? well i’m off hope you all are having a wonderful day!

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  1. Pure bliss! Your work stuns me every time anew! ;) Thanks also for the wonderful desktop wallpaper, I downloaded it first thing!

    March 23, 2009 at 6:55 am
  2. Björn | Reply

    It is truly wonderful, man! & I love Mona so much, our countries superstar next to Tuva, who is an amazing actress not a model! I saw that U did one of Heather & Anna as well, wonderful!

    March 23, 2009 at 11:39 am
  3. Björn | Reply

    Amazing! I love Mona! She's our country's superstar next to Tuva, the actress of course.
    I saw U did Heather & Anna as well, beautiful!deami

    March 23, 2009 at 11:46 am
  4. Björn | Reply

    Amazing! I love Mona! She's our country's superstar next to Tuva, the actress of course.
    I saw U did Heather & Anna as well, beautiful!

    March 23, 2009 at 11:47 am
  5. Anonymous | Reply

    Amazing! I love Mona! She's our country's superstar next to Tuva, the actress of course.
    I saw U did Heather & Anna as well, beautiful!

    March 23, 2009 at 11:47 am
  6. I didn’t think I could love your work any more than I already did….until now ( jeez that sounded like the tag line for a b grade movie sequel eeek)

    love it lvoe it love it


    March 23, 2009 at 1:40 pm
  7. absolutely incredible! the skin is just perfect with those eyes! the eyes are mesmerizing..and that red hair is the perfect accent :)

    i just love your blog!

    March 23, 2009 at 7:06 pm
  8. OMG This is soooo beautiful!!!! I just want it in like a huge massive canvas that fills up half of a wall!!!!

    So very different I am in love with this one!

    xo querido.

    March 29, 2009 at 4:04 am