Gemma Ward Drawing by Fashion Artist Danny Roberts for his Character Sketchbook

Volume 2

Pen & Ink – 192

Good morning all. Don’t you just love mid week/end of the week? I sure do. Almost the 4th of July! woot woot My friends Tim and Deanda (Luvbeat) are flying here on the 4th. i’m super excited! Should be quite a great time. Well, this drawing i did a little bit back. i hope you like it. It’s all pen and ink. Also i’ve been learning some new tricks… so hopefully i will have a new video for you all soon. :)

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  1. McKenna | Reply

    Did you really do the whole background in ink? That's incredible! I mean, obviously it doesn't take too much skill to color in some black, but still, it would take a LONG time.

    Well, I would take a while, since my inks are teeny-tiny :)

    July 2, 2009 at 3:15 pm
  2. once again another great illustration. love this in just black. great job!!

    visit my blog at

    July 2, 2009 at 8:22 pm
  3. this is so beautiful.
    it´s crazy, everytime you put a new drawing on the blog I´m like “THIS IS MY FAVOURITE!”.

    haha, go danny!

    July 3, 2009 at 7:07 am
  4. I really have to say that your work is very inspiring for me! I love the way you draw, i love the use of colors and black&white… So talented! (sorry for my english…)

    July 3, 2009 at 5:26 pm
  5. i love the creativeness of this drawing; the numbers on the necklace and like always its beautiful.


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    July 5, 2009 at 10:23 pm
  6. a | Reply

    hi danny.
    im a huge fan of your artworks.
    they're so quirky and i love that it's all slightly distorted..

    how is it possible for you to draw them all distorted but still end up with a drawing that looks exactly like the model?
    ha. you get what i mean?


    July 15, 2009 at 7:02 pm
  7. Re: a
    haha awe thanks so much.
    i know what you mean.
    thats what my friends always tease me about
    the say it looks nothing like the person but in a way just like them. hahah
    i think the way it happens is my goal is to draw it right but some how i can't haha

    July 15, 2009 at 7:15 pm
  8. A | Reply

    thanks for the reply.

    i'm off to start a painting for my bedroom that's inspired by your artworks because for now, I won't be able to get my hands on yours.

    but i'll let everyone know what I want for my birthday. ha.


    July 16, 2009 at 8:20 am