The Lily and Gemma book
A Model Skeleton
Hey, Hey, Hey. How are you all doing today?! Wow, i had a long one. Been working a lot lately… How is the week going for you? Anything exciting happening? The drawing today brings back old memories; i drew this almost 3 years ago in Volume 1 of my Character Sketchbook. I actually don’t have the original drawing of this anymore, I gave to Gemma Ward a year and a half ago when she and Sophie came over. We were sitting going through the Character Sketchbook drawings, which was really fun and interesting cause i love sharing my drawing with my drawing subject-matter! But anyways, she picked this one out as one of her favorites, so i gave it to her. Awe, good times. Shoot, makes me miss my Australian sista Sophie so much ;( Well, my friends, i hope you enjoy this line drawing!

The Lily and Gemma book
Lily 91
Hello, hello my friends. How’s your Saturday going? Mine has been pretty laid back, spending the day, so far watching movies with my Dad. The Drawing today is from Volume 1 or my Character Sketchbook. If you don’t know what the Character Sketchbook is, it’s the sketchbook i started 3 years ago, to document the process of me learning how to draw. Well, i hope you like this old drawing of Lily Cole. :)

The Lily and Gemma book
Lily & Gemma Book Drawing 100
Wow! Today went by quicker and longer than i expected. You know those kind of days? Well, i just had one of them. Spent the day drawing and catching up on work and emails. Also, spent a little time looking through some of the NYFW shows i didn’t go to… I have to say, i sure wish i had gone the Rodarte show! I mean, wow! They busted out the sharpie and went to town! haha The Collection is so awesome! It looked like some of the hair and make up was inspired by Tavi’s amazing Borders & Frontiers shirt ;) Well, tonight i present you with Drawing 100 which is the last drawing out of Volume one of “The Character Sketchbook“. It’s a couple years old now… but it’s always fun looking through that book… I really hope you like it! :) P.S. I picked up my artwork from the art show tonight. I was like a kid in a candy store to have all the framed pieces back home.

The Lily and Gemma book
Character Sketchbook 7
Hey Friends wow thank you so much for your overwhelming Response on My new Speed Painting Video! It really means alot. Had over in 6,000 of you watching it of the last day or so. amazing! :) thanks again. The Drawing today is the 7th drawing from my Character Sketckbook. did it back in 2006 right when i started that book… aw the good ol days… I really hope you like it! :)

The Lily and Gemma book
Gemma Car Drawing
Hello my friends, Well, today is my last day in Texas; i fly out bright and early tomorrow morning. i drew this picture in the car, 2 going on 3 years ago. It’s got a nice 1950’s theme going on. haha Well, this drawing also is from my Character Sketchbook of the lovely Gemma Ward. Well, i hope you all are having a great day!

The Lily and Gemma book
Back in the Day
Oh wow… boy, do I miss the days back a few years ago when i started the Character Sketchbook. I was going through the old book today, and it brought back so many memories. It was so basic and simple, with so many accidents and freakish mess-up drawings… That strangely enough work… Lately, i’ve been longing to go back to that place, so i think i might! Starting at where i’m at, number #204, i’m going back to simple pen drawings! So, i hope you like #13. It’s what brought me back to my roots today! i’m hoping to do an art show displaying numbers 1-200 in order, within this year… so we will see. i will keep you all posted. Well, good night to you all my friends! Thanks for everything.

The Lily and Gemma book
Gemma and the Cello
Oh, how the Gemma and the Cello drawing makes me miss my good friend Sophie Ward. This was one of her old favorite paintings out of Volume 1 of the Character Sketchbook. I think it’s both of our goals to be able to play the cello some day. How amazing is the cello? This drawing is number 94 out of Vol. 1. How are you all doing? How are you enjoying all the Fashion Shows? Any of you excited about the NEW A CAMP ALBUM! Nina Persson is one of my all time favorite voices! i’m excited to be home painting tomorrow! Well, sorry for my random commentary! Woot, woot. Night/goodmorning!

The Lily and Gemma book
The Character Sketchbook 50
Well friends, i’m sitting here yawning and thinking back on the day. It’s over for me, but for most of you, you’re getting up and your day is just beginning… i’m so ready for bed. Lately, i’ve been pretty tired, i think it’s normal, just been working hard. i bought a pile of wood yesterday to use as convases! i’m excited. Thanks for all the kind comments on the last post. I’m glad you like that picture. A lot of you wanted to see the full painting, so i decided to post a link to it.The drawing i posted today is an early drawing out of my Character Sketchbook. It’s wierd to think that drawing is from 2 years ago. haha. So funny looking back on all the drawings and notes! Well, i hope you like it! :) i’m off to bed.

The Lily and Gemma book
Pages 24 and 25
Happy, happy Monday to you all. How was your weekend? Is Christmas approaching making your life a little more hectic? It is for me, but Christmastime is hectic; i guess “It’s the most wonderful kind of hectic of the year” (sung in Andy Williams voice) i have a bigger “to do” list than Santa this year. The only downside is, i don’t get a plate of cookies once it’s done… hah Well, the picture today is out of Volume one of my Character Sketchbook. i hope you like it. It’s an oldie but goodie. I also posted a new picture in my Image Diary. It’s a little out take of some pictures me and my Bro were talking for my new Lookbook account. Oh yea! i have a Lookbook.nu account! hahah It should be fun. i only have one picture up right now. Oh, and lastly, one of my best friends Mr Jason Jones has a new Blog. Some of you might remember him from when i posted his work a few months ago. He is incredible, so cleaver and fun. He has clothes and accessories for sale. They’re amazing! Please check them out. his blog is Lorem & Ipsum. P.S. Thank you to all who have been ordering prints! Your support has been an amazing Christmas present for me.

The Lily and Gemma book
Number 68
Well, rise and shine my friends, another new day has begun. How are you doing? I’m going into work today, so i thought i would post a little blast from the past. This drawing is from Volume 1 of The Character Sketchbook. i drew it with these super cheap color pens. hahah i think the model in the picture is Heather Marks. Well, my friends, i think i’m off for now. Be back soon enough. I think I’m going to be going into the “experimental stage” soon, which means i might have some new techniques to show you all! :)