The Girl and the Tiger
Ok so i just found this old sketch i just had to post! I seriously completely forgot about it. I drew it like 3 or 4 years ago, but there is something about it i really like. I remember i was web surfing on Myspace or Flickr… i came across this self-portrait that Scarlett Barry had done, and it was fun looking, the next thing i knew, i was sketching on the nearest piece of paper, and this was born. I hope you like it ;) P.S. I know i said this on the post earlier today, but just a reminder ;) I have been having trouble keeping up on Formspring, emails, etc. so what i thought could help is if my brother (who helps me alot) & i did a video question and answer. So if you want to post on the comment part below questions for me or my brother or even both of us and we will try to make a video for you all :)

Steven Patrick “Morrissey”
Well My friends… I’m pleased to post my 4th painting in my Musician Portrait Series! Today’s Portrait is of music legend Morrissey. I’ve loved the Smiths, so it was fun to paint this portrait. I hope you like it :) On a different note, Well… Looks like I’m going to Prom this weekend!!! haha Yep, you heard it right! I’m really excited for it! It’s a “Fashion Prom” by Joonbug.com & Fashionindie.com. So, I’m flying out to NYC Saturday morning, and fly back here Sunday for Mother’s Day! haha So, I’m going to be pretty tired, but it’s going to be amazing and worth it. I hope you all are having a wonderful day. P.S. In honor of the prom… i posted some of my high school Prom Pictures up on “Inside My Brian” today ;) P.S.S. – I got nominated for “Most Likely to Succeed” for the Fashion Prom! hah You can vote on it if you want :) >> Vote Here

Jenna Sauers aka Jezebel Jenna
Well i know it’s been a while since i posted a blogger portrait, and it’s not because i couldn’t think of someone. It’s actually the opposite! I have a list of Bloggers that i completely love and want to do a portrait & Feature, But the only thing has been it’s been brutal finding time in the day! Well, it’s crazy to think but this is the 38th blogger featured in the Series & the 50th Blogger Portrait painted!! haha So crazy, huh? i didn’t think i had painted that many till i was filing this drawing on my computer, and there were 50 paintings in the folder! hah Well, I’m excited to unveil this blogger, cause she is one of my friends from New York. Her name is Jenna Sauers and she is a former model from New Zealand, and she Blogs & Writes for the mighty Jezebel.com. My good friend Sophie Ward introduced us a few weeks ago at NYFW. And it was then that i was introduced to her blog and her writing. She is incredibly witty and has a very interesting perspective on the fashion industry. And Team Igor + Andre (me, my brother David, Ryan + Alice Baxley) have voted her officially Best Twitter coverage of Fashion Week. hahaah Her Tweets were amazing!!! Please check out her blog

The BryanBoy Front Row Posse
Hey Friends! Well, i’m pleased to show you a new painting i did for my friend from the other side of the world, Bryanboy. He had the great idea of having me paint his header picture, which i was really excited to do. It was pretty fun painting the “Power Players” of the Fashion Industry. Also, with Fashion week coming up, it was fun getting into the fashion show mode. The people in the picture from left to right are the following… Michael Roberts (Vanity Fair), Bryanboy, Sally Singer(Vogue), Anna Wintour (Vogue), Hamish Bowles (Vogue). I really hope you like it! Also, check it out on BryanBoy‘s Site :) Oh, also, i was trying to think of ideas for some shows on the Igor+André channel. Is there any show you would want me to do? Like drawing tutorials? or interviews? Just let me know :) and one of my twitter friends suggested i broadcast some of my daily drawing to Ustream. Is that something you would be interested in? or would that be too boring? haha Let me know… hope you’re having a great night. :)
OH yea! Also, I forgot to tell you! I’m going to be on the panel for the Chictopia10 Social Influence Summit. It should be really fun. Some other speakers are
– Helen Zhu, CEO, Chictopia
– Naomi Nevitt, New Media Specialist, Web Editor TeenVogue.com
– Susan Koger, Founder, ModCloth
– Danny Roberts, fashion artist, Igor and Andre
– Susie Lau, blogger, Style Bubble
– Liz Cherkasova, blogger, Playing with Fire
– Rebecca Stice, blogger, TheClothesHorse
– Michael Tennant, manager, Vice Magazine

I ♥ Les Mads
Well, my friends, how are you doing? Wow! I can’t believe Fashion Week is just weeks away. And i’m leaving for Texas in 6 days! I’m so excited! So, today’s Blogger Portrait is of one of my all time favorite Blogs “Les Mads“. Julia Knolle & Jessica Weiss are the Lovely and Wonderful girls behind LesMads.de. I’ve been following their blog for a while now. It’s so good, please check it out. :) Oh, yay! Today i picked out the track order for my album. Oh, did i tell you? I decided to release a music album in the next six months. The album is going to be 11 songs long. It still needs some work, but I’m really excited about it! :) Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

David T. Roberts – Damien T. Wallace
Happy Monday friends! How have you been? I’ve been a little under the weather lately. Been feeling pretty sick and exhausted… not sure what’s up.. But on the bright side, i’ve been laying low and watching a lot of old movies. Like I watched, for the first time, “White Christmas” and “Holiday Inn” which were mind blowing good! I mean, the actors of those days could sing and dance. It’s mesmorizing! Like i’ve said before, Fred Astaire is my hero. He is amazing. :) Also, watched the Sound of Music today! I wish they still made movies like those great old movies…. Well, the drawing today is of my brother David Roberts that i drew about 3 years ago. :) My brother is my best friend, and has been incredible in helping me with business and emails, some of you have had the pleasure of meeting him. So i thought i would post about him :) He also is a contributor with me, Stacy Dupree, Cat Khan (Knightcat), Geri Hirsch, Alice Baxley & Ryan Baxley on “The Dream Walking Society” P.S. If you’re wondering about why the name “Damien T. Wallace” is up in the title, that is my brother’s random nickname… :)

Save a Deer By Helping a Bunny
Hello, hello my friends! Well, just finished working and about to head down to Pasadena to see the lovely Audrey Tautou preform in “Coco Chanel” with Fashion is Poison and alot of other bloggers. Should be really fun! I’m really excited! Today’s drawing of my friend, the beautiful, kind, and lovely Julia Frakes of the blog Bunny Bisous. She asked me if I would do a painting for her for a benefit for animals that she is working with. When i thought about painting Julia, with an animal, and for a good cause… I said yes instantly! I have a Video of the painting that is coming soon… i think it’s the best one yet! ;) As for info on the benefit, i thought i would quote Julia on it. :)
"While I cannot reveal too many details quite yet, one of my pet holiday projects is an upcoming benefit that I am co-chairing with designer Rachel Antonoff to raise awareness about animal cruelty as manifested on two fronts: barbaric factory farms (with funds proffered to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary) and merciless puppy mills (to benefit Maddie's Fund). Scheduled to betide in a magnificent historical Manhattan haunt this mid-December, a killer hosting committee will preside over a silent art auction featuring works created especially in a forest and fauna theme [including the original painting above] by the likes of Kime Buzzelli and Danny Roberts alongside special musical performances by fun., Steel Train, and other sublime surprise guests. " - Julia Frakes

Oh Louise, Louise!
Well, hello my friends. Please forgive the absence of the drawing lesson video… I did work on it, but didn’t really like how it turned out… hah But instead i have something much better than that. Let me introduce one of my all time favorite bloggers Louise Ebel a.k.a. Miss Pandora. I first drew Louise last year, and then later she interviewed me for Dirty Glam Magazine. Her blog is full of wonderful whimsical photo shoots, and incredible outfits. It’s one of the most playful blogs i’ve seen… Need less to say, i’m a fan! So i hope you like this portrait of her :) Click here to check out her blog.

Jane Aldridge for Urban Outfitters!
Hello, hello, my friends~ How are you doing today? Well, thank you for your support! I packed and shipped out all of your prints today! Thank you, thank you again. Well, i’m sure you have heard that the lovely Texan blogger Jane Aldridge has designed a line for Urban Outfitters! Basically, now she has done two Capsule collections for Urban consisting of 3 shoes per collection. So a total of six shoes! :) When i heard about this, i had to paint her with her line! It’s amazing the opportunities that are opening up to the Blogger Community. :) Jane was my 25th Blogger Portrait. Please check out her blog, Sea of Shoes, you won’t be disappointed! Also, thinking of doing a little drawing lesson for you all tomorrow! ;) Hope you’re having a wonderful night!

Happy Birthday Stacy!
Hello Friends! Well, I’m pleased to say, it’s my good friend Miss Stacy king‘s Birthday. She turns the big 21 today! woot woot! So i thought a “Queen Stacy” portrait was in order. If you all aren’t familiar with her, she’s a singer and writer of the band Eisley. If you don’t know them click here to check out and enjoy! Also, Stacy, Sophie Ward, and I are working together on a Collaboration Project called “The Siren Who Loved“. Basically, the project is the coolest thing i have worked on by far! Well, my friends, hope you’re having a great day. I hope you like the picture. :) P.S. On a side note, the dress Stacy is wearing in the the picture i drew, is one of the first dresses i have ever designed and sewed! haha! Wow, like 4-5 years ago ;)