Lancome – Chris & Tell by Chris Benz
Hey Friends! How are you doing? Wow, this week has been insane! I’ve been multi-tasking like crazy! I’ve also been Figure Drawing for client work, which kinda stinks cause i don’t post those kind of images on here. You know, keeping it G Rated! haaha ;) But i’m also doing Fashion Week work for Sundance Channel, so be expecting some Paintings of collections coming out next week :) Well, after I posted the Chris Benz‘s images, i realized that i had never posted this painting i had done for Lancome, for the Collaboration they did with Chris Benz last season. The two of them teamed up and created a lipstick color called “Chris & Tell by Chris Benz”. How Genius is that Name? haha Such a clever play on words. But i’m sorry to say to you ladies out there, that the lipstick is sold out! Sorry about that. It is a really cool/interesting color. The Collection was really fun to paint. What i’m really excited about is painting this season’s! But i think you already know that if you read the post below! haha ;) I hope you like the picture! OOOOOh last nugget of news… I’m seeing one of my all time favorite bands today! The Band is called Midlake! They are from Texas, and words can’t describe how good they are. If you haven’t heard their music check them out! Well, hope you all are having a wonderful day.

NYC & The Chictopia 10 Conference
Hello From New York. My brother and i are currently getting settled in at the Bryant Park Hotel. I love this place, it’s a pretty wonderful place. But on a bad note… The airlines misplaced both of our bags… hahh i know, quite a week, First, we had our flight canceled cause of weather, and now they lose our bags… i sure hope they arrive, cause not sure what i’m going to do… going to Charlotte Ronson’s Show tonight… haha i hope my bags arrive.
On a different note, tomorrow i’m speaking on a panel at the Chictopia10 Social Influence Summit. I’m excited and a little nervous.. Never really done anything like this before… but it should be fun. There will be a lot of my fellow blogging buddies there. The painting above is one i did for the Chictopia10 Social Influence Summit. They made tote bags of them and will be handing them out for free at it. :) The painting is of my lovely friend Louise Ebel of the blog Pandora. She is one of my favorite bloggers so i thought she would be perfect for it! I hope you like it. If you want one Chictopia will be selling them on their site.
Thank you all for the kind comments on the McQueen Tribute Painting.
I’m hoping to leave a copy of it at the McQueen store tomorrow.

Joyeuses Fêtes From Lancôme + Me
Well, my friends, Merry Christmas! I’ve got some good news for you… First, crazy enough, today was my 400th Post! haha That is so crazy… Doesn’t seem like i’ve posted that many times, but I have. :) Well, so over the last few months, i have had the honor of Collaborating with the lovely people at Lancôme! I was asked to make their Holiday cards. So, i thought i would post the Holiday cards today! There is more to come! Lancôme is a great company, and it was great working with them :) Alrighty, the last bit of news is… I will be taking a Two Week Break from Blogging. Like i said, i’ve been pretty run down, sick, and worn out. So, i decided to take two weeks off from everything, and just rest up for the New Year. So don’t worry, I will be back posting on January 6, 2010 Love you all and Merry Christmas! P.S. Thank you so much Fashionista. You’re seriously too nice. i was really touched by your kind words!

Polaroids and ALDO Shoes
Well, my friends, I came to a sad realization today…. I think i might not have the patience to animate! Haha! It’s kinda brutal…that is a whole lot of drawing. But on the bright side, i had a wonderfully relaxing weekend. :) How about you all? You have a good weekend? I thought i would post the painting i did for ALDO shoes. The Original piece is in their corporate office and is 48in X 60in. It is very large, to say the least ;) ALDO is a wonderful company, so it was a great project to work on :) I do hope you like it! Hope you’re doing great! -d

Heutchy Shoe Collaboration
Hi Friends! How are you doing? Sorry for the few days delay on my posting… It’s been a crazy week, i’ve been working a lot, and some exciting things are in the works ;) Yesterday, I was featured In the incredible Women’s Wear Daily! It was an extreme honor and the lovely Miss Patty Huntington wrote an amazing article. If you haven’t read it & want to, Click Here to check it out. :) Also, yesterday in the mail, my Heutchy Collaboration shoes arrived!!! Heutchy is an amazing men’s shoe line. A few months back, Heutchy asked me to collaborate on a fabric. After throwing around a few ideas, we decided that it could be interesting to make a fabric print out of a building top texture. so i ended up painting the the image above. Then is was digitally printed on leather. I really like how the fabric and the shoes turned out. :) Thank you, Lowe! The shoes are amazing! Whatcha think? I hope you like them! :)

Fatally Cute Limited Edition
Wow! How are you all doing? Well, yikes, today was a long one. Did a lot… so much, i didn’t get a chance to draw at all today ;( But Good News! I got my Collection from Harajuku Lovers Today! It is incredible, the quality and the detail on it is amazing! Sorry for all the posts, but i’m pretty proud and excited about it. hah So i think there is still one more shirt that is on it’s way. So, yea, this is pretty much the collection; the handbags, Shirts, and the Sweatshirt. What do you think? The shirts are part of the “Fatally Cute Limited Edition”. Yay! i hope you like it! :)

2 More HL Shirts!
A couple more hope you like them! Click here to see the other pieces of my Collaboration collection with Harajuku Lovers. Edit: Anyone going out to New York for fashion week? if so which shows you going to :) I thinking about going and illustrating my trip ;)

Harajuku Lovers Part 2a
Yay for Fridays! :) So yesterday i was tipped off by the lovely Miss Mattaya that some more of my collaboration collection with Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Lovers is out. This is just one of i think 6 shirts coming out. Not sure how many sweatshirts are coming out either, but i sure am excited~ I drew everything on it even all the text going around the clothes where hand drawn :) i hope you like it. The shirts should be popping up all around over the next 2 weeks. It should be in Bloomingdales, Norstroms, Macy’s, Kitson, and some boutiques. i will keep you posted. Oh, also if you want to order the shirt above, it is up at Karmaloop & Amazon and if you want the sweatshirt, it’s up on Amazon :)

Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Lovers – In Stores
Well, my friends, i’m actually sick today so my post will be short. I just wanted to say thank you for your support and kind words. It truly means so so much to me! Mom and i went to Macys today and i finally got to see the bags in person. i got to see the third bag; it’s the purse above. It was surreal! Oh and to my amazement, my signature ended up on all the bags! Sorry about the picture quality; i just took pictures with my phone. Thanks again. :) P.S. I’m pleased to announce the great and lovely Cat Khan of the site Knightcat has joined as a Contributor to The Dream Walking Society!!!! i’m excited to see how this site will bloom! i hope it’s a good form of inspiration for you all! :) EDIT: Thank you all at Refinery 29 for your wonderful Article on the Harajuku Lovers Bags. Your site is one of my favorites! Also Thank you to Tendances De Mode. Oooo Also thanks Chic Intuition for this Article ! means alot :)

My Collaboration With Harajuku Lovers
YAY! WOOOPY! Well, Friends, i’m happy to announce that the first part of my Collaboration with Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Lovers is finally released! I’ve been throughly excited for this collection to come out for almost a year now! I think the rest of the collection will be out by the end of the month. i will let you know when it is out! i hope you like it it. If you are interested in the tote or the satchel, you can find them both at Bloomingdale’s. EDIT: Wow thank you so much Dara and Naomi and Teen Vogue for your incredible Article. You are the best! ;)