Danny Roberts david roberts tim and deanda brooks drawing of the Childlike empress

The Never Ending Story

The Never Ending Story!

Hello Friends! Sorry for my posting absence over the last few days. My friends Tim & Deanda from the Texas Music Group LUVBEAT flew in Saturday, and we have been showing them around California. Yesterday, we got on the topic of the Never Ending Story! We started talking about the long lost The Never Ending Story music Video… ( Click Here) If you haven’t seen it, it’s amazing! So funny! But anyway, we decided to all sit down and draw the Childlike Princess from the movie. I’ve had a crush on the princess since I was a little lad… So, I decided to post all of our pictures. I hope you like it!

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  1. I love this, so fun!!! One of my all time favorite movies! except I think you mean the “Child-like Empress” It's an honest mistake, just don't let it happen again. ;-)

    July 6, 2009 at 8:07 pm
  2. I was obsessed with this movie as a child and always wanted to be that princess. I coveted her headband and the way she said Sebastian!!

    Adore all the drawings!! This movie is going in my Netflix queue, I need to rewatch it.

    July 6, 2009 at 8:08 pm
  3. McKenna | Reply

    You do NOT know how much I LOOOVE this movie! Holy Canoli, it's SO AHH-Mazing! And, uh, I wonder which of the drawings is… yours… *heavy sarcasm, I know which one is yerz*

    July 6, 2009 at 8:29 pm
  4. I'm very glad you like the long lost music video. My fiance is the “magic dancing man” and the man on the other side of the mirror! I am the empress who gives him the septor! I really admire your work! And thanks for mentioning ours!

    July 7, 2009 at 12:13 am
  5. Must check out that music video when I get home! My sis and I used to reenact the scene where the child-like empress spoke to atreyu all the time:) It's our favourite scene of the movie. Thanks for sharing the lovely drawings!

    July 7, 2009 at 1:38 am
  6. Such a random coincidence. I watched this movie a few days ago with a good friend and some wine for the first time on 7 years. You've definitely captured the princesses innocence and purity.

    July 7, 2009 at 4:04 am
  7. Mo | Reply

    lol. it's clear which one is yours.
    i lived in Nigeria till i was 5, and this was literally my family's favorite movie. almost 11 years later, and this post made me miss it.

    July 8, 2009 at 4:02 am
  8. OMG so funny i watched this like 2 weeks ago (i bought it!) and you have captured her SOOO well! the eyes are just incredible…well done yet again buddy!!!!

    xxx bel

    July 8, 2009 at 9:02 am
  9. I used to dress up as the princess from the Never Ending Story, (I even had a table/sheet set up so I could pretend I was part of the crumbling building)… and I would re-enact the scene where she gives Sebatian the grain of sand… :o)

    July 8, 2009 at 7:19 pm